Become a Member Today!
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Need to pay by check? Pay to the order of Write by the Rails and send c/o Alyce Campbell, Treasurer, 14362 Surrydale Drive, Woodbridge VA 22193.
WbtR Membership Form for New Members
If you are joining for the first time or are rejoining after a break of one year or more, please complete this form and pay dues (PayPal preferred). Current members are not required to complete this form, but annual dues are due January 1 each year.
Membership Benefits and Dues
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Write by the Rails (WbtR), the Prince William Chapter of the Virginia Writers Club! You have taken the first step towards connecting yourself with a larger literary community, which offers a variety of benefits.
Some of the benefits of becoming a member include:
- membership to a developed local group with a statewide affiliation
- reduced-cost and no-cost events
- no-cost and reduced cost educational workshops, panels, presentations, etc.
- access to networks of literary professionals and enthusiasts
- members-only online discussions
- ability to submit to club contests
- ability to submit to club anthologies
- ability to sell books at select events
- ability to propose and lead projects that fall within the group’s purview
- access to our local media list for press releases
and more!
We know whatever activities you take part in, you will come away with support and insight.
Dues are $20 per calendar year. We accept PayPal payments to Need to pay by check? Pay to the order of Write by the Rails and send c/o Alyce Campbell, Treasurer, 14362 Surrydale Drive, Woodbridge VA 22193. Sorry, but we cannot prorate dues.
We look forward to helping you meet your goals as a writer. If you have any questions, please contact us.