Become a Member Today!

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Need to pay by check? Pay to the order of Write by the Rails and send c/o Alyce Campbell, Treasurer, 14362 Surrydale Drive, Woodbridge VA 22193.
WbtR Membership Form for New Members

If you are joining for the first time or are rejoining after a break of one year or more, please complete this form and pay dues (PayPal preferred). Current members are not required to complete this form, but annual dues are due January 1 each year.

Membership Benefits and Dues

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Write by the Rails (WbtR), the Prince William Chapter of the Virginia Writers Club! You have taken the first step towards connecting yourself with a larger literary community, which offers a variety of benefits.

Some of the benefits of becoming a member include:

  • membership to a developed local group with a statewide affiliation
  • reduced-cost and no-cost events
  • no-cost and reduced cost educational workshops, panels, presentations, etc.
  • access to networks of literary professionals and enthusiasts
  • members-only online discussions
  • ability to submit to club contests
  • ability to submit to club anthologies
  • ability to sell books at select events
  • ability to propose and lead projects that fall within the group’s purview
  • access to our local media list for press releases

and more!

We know whatever activities you take part in, you will come away with support and insight.

Dues are $20 per calendar year. We accept PayPal payments to Need to pay by check? Pay to the order of Write by the Rails and send c/o Alyce Campbell, Treasurer, 14362 Surrydale Drive, Woodbridge VA 22193. Sorry, but we cannot prorate dues.

We look forward to helping you meet your goals as a writer. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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Values and Ethics: Write by the Rails abides by a code of values and ethics as stated below. Enthusiasm – WbtR is passionate about the process of creating and propagating the written word, and encourages others to share in this fascination. WbtR, its officers, and members act in concert to meet common goals. Integrity – WbtR’s credibility rests on a foundation of personal and professional ethical standards. Gratitude – We are grateful for the support the local business and nonprofit communities have given us. We strive to be good guests by making purchases during meetings and leaving the premises the way we found them. Respect – WbtR cultivates an atmosphere of mutual respect for individuals and organizations both internal and external to our organization. Genre – WbtR is an inclusive organization that welcomes members without discrimination of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, or disability. The organization accepts, recognizes, and fosters a diversity of intellectual and artistic written expression. Note, certain venues and publications do require written and spoken material to be at a “PG-13” rating. Writing is largely about audience, so please consider that before sharing graphic work. Do you agree to abide by this code?
I assert I am affiliated with Prince William County, Manassas or Manassas Park, VA (can be through work, residence, volunteerism, memberships, established relationships, business or social ties, etc.) (copy)
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