Spilled Ink

Jirani Coffeehouse 9425 West St, Manassas, United States

Spilled Ink is an open mic night that celebrates the written word. Join local authors, poets, and scribblers as they read their work. All are welcome to listen or read! Be brave! We have many ages of presenters so we ask that all material be at a PG-13 rating. Visit spilledinkva.com for more info.


Writer’s Enrichment

Bull Run Unitarian Universalist Church 9350 Main St, Manassas, VA, United States

On Saturday, July 8, at 10:00 AM We will be hosting a Writers’ Setting Social! Rebecca Sosa and Sharon Krasky invite you to join us at the Bull Run Unitarian Universalist Church in Old Towne Manassas to sip coffee and set a spell while we discuss settings.


Spilled Ink

Jirani Coffeehouse 9425 West St, Manassas, United States

open mic


VWC Symposium

The Virginia Writers Club is accepting registration for their fall symposium. Visit https://virginiawritersclub.org/event-5305202 for more info.

Arts Alive

Hylton Performing Arts Center 10960 George Mason Cir, Manassas, VA, United States

Join local authors reading and selling their work at this annual event at Hylton Performing Arts Center.


Writer’s Social

Barrel Oak Winery 3623 Grove Ln, Delaplane, Virginia, United States

Meet us at Barrel Oak Winery and Brewery from 11 AM - 1 PM for a social outing. Bring your lawn chairs. Look out for a sign up for wine tasting in September.

CANCELLED: Write by the Rails Fall Workshop, Full Steam Ahead 2023!

Clearbrook Center of the Arts 2230 Tacketts Mill Drive #B, Lake Ridge, VA, United States

Members $10/Non-members $15 Don't miss this opportunity to connect with other writers and learn together at a bargain price! Keynote Speaker: Kim B. Miller Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/write-by-the-rails-fall-workshop-full-steam-ahead-2023-tickets-737942555047?aff=oddtdtcreator&utm_source=eventbrite&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=post_publish&utm_content=shortLinkNewEmail&fbclid=IwAR2R1maw1duf5XZUN_d_I_yptP2uRVP-RuvAlRkiXwnaA8k4PAVZD3lGDrI  

December General Meeting & Elections

BRUU 9350 Main St, Manassas, VA, United States

Please plan on attending our end of year general meeting where we will hold elections for Treasurer and President